Despite being home all weekend with John and Hannah Grace, I don't have any pictures to share. Bummer.
I dedicated the last three days to emptying out night stands, side tables, bathroom cabinets, closets, dressers for unworn clothes. I rearranged a bookshelf, got our guest room/baby closet in top shape, and organized Hannah Grace's "sock drawer" (which had become a hodge podge of miscellaneous baby/toddler items. The laundry was caught up, last minute odds and ends for the baby washed, and many, many things sorted into three piles: keep, donate, and throw away.
Our house is almost completely clutter free. This is not to say that our house is spotless (our living room shows very little evidence that I spent any time cleaning and organizing this weekend), but it does mean there is a place for about 90% of the stuff in our house. It also means that drawers (nightstands, side tables in the living room, etc.) do not contain junk. Their contents are very intentionally placed, and it will remain that way from now on.
We are less than two weeks out from the baby, and I think we are about ready. Oh boy!