After our friends Brandy, Doug, and Will left last Friday, I had until the following evening to (re)prepare our house for our third set of visitors in a week! Our friends D.C. and Suzanne who live near Knoxville were visiting for the first time since we moved to Jackson! This was also the first time we had seen them since we left Knoxville in January, so they got to see a completely different Hannah Grace!
They arrived Saturday evening and we promptly grabbed dinner at Abbay's. The food was yummy (as usual), and Hannah Grace was able to burn some energy by walking around the restaurant and 'talking' to the employees. Once we came back home I dressed HG in her pajamas, put her to bed, and the rest of us enjoyed a quiet, lazy evening playing Words With Friends with each other and chatting.
Sunday morning we woke up, went to church, came home for lunch (Hannah Grace caught a short nap during this time), and headed back out to the flea market! John, HG, and I went to this flea market last month but didn't take any cash so we weren't able to buy anything. We wanted to come back for the August market, and we definitely brought enough cash for some goodies this time!
I knew I wanted to buy Hannah Grace a few hair bows from the flea market, because they cost so much less than they do in a department store. I picked out four bows from one vendor at $1 a piece and then picked out two more (larger) bows from another vendors at $3 a piece. My next non-sewing project is to make a simple hair bow holder to put in her room; I think I can get everything I need for about eight dollars.
We also bought some homemade blackberry jam, homemade white chipotle BBQ sauce (should be yummy with chicken), and a bar of goats milk soap with a white tea and ginger scent.
After leaving the flea market, we went to Essex for a quick trip, and came back home to hang out for awhile before dinner. I think we tried to get Hannah Grace to take another nap, but she was too wound up. A couple of hours later we went to Red Robin for dinner, where I had a delicious bacon-avocado-yum-o-burger. I don't know where avocados have been all my life, but I'm glad they decided to show up now.
Monday morning, we all woke up and started packing-- D.C. and Suz were heading home, and John, HG, and I were going to visit my mom for a couple of days. John and I like to time our car trips around Hannah Grace's nap time so that she sleeps most of the way, so we left around 11:15. We got to Nashville a couple of hours later and went to an Essex in Mt. Juliet. After 45 or so minutes there, we left and drove to my Mom's house.
We got to Mom's around 3:30 and spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out and playing with Hannah Grace. Hannah Grace took a nap some time in there, and Mom cooked dinner for us. It was a really enjoyable afternoon, and I was able to show mom my serger and several of the sewing projects I had been working on.
On Tuesday, we were awake early. Mom cooked breakfast, I got started on a pair of pants for Hannah Grace, and John left for a work training. We spent the morning around the house and trying to get HG to take a nap, but she never would. We decided to just get dressed and visit Jennifer (my brother's wife) and my new, three week old niece Emilee! After about an hour we all realized we were really hungry (it was about 2:30 by now), so we went to Chick Fil A so Hannah Grace could play in the play area. These super hot temperatures haven't allowed us very many park visits, so I try to let her go to indoor play areas when possible. Once we finished eating, we all headed to Kohl's to look for some shoes for Hannah Grace and to check out the baby clearance section so Jennifer could get some stuff for next summer for Emilee. I wound up finding a pair of
Keen-esque shoes for Hannah Grace for $6 (on clearance), so we got them for her. Jennifer also found some cute summer dresses for baby E. By this time John was finished with his training and was en route to the Boro. I still needed to get a couple of things from Sam's, so he stopped at Essex (can you tell we are addicted to this store?!) while he waited on us. Once everyone was finished shopping, we went to Cracker Barrel. YUM.

Soon after waking up yesterday morning, we ran an errand dealing some of Dad's stuff, had breakfast at Hardees, and headed to an AT&T store to sign Mom up for a different TV plan. We then made a Wal-Mart run, grabbed a couple of pizzas at Papa Murphy's, and headed back to Mom's to eat and let Hannah Grace nap. After eating, Mom and I did some sewing (more on that in another post). Once HG woke up, John and I packed up, said goodbye to Mom and headed home! It was a short trip (right about 48 hours), but it was good, and we really enjoyed ourselves.
Wiggle Worm!